Since the beginning an adapted version of the NAFSA My Cultural Awareness Profile (MyCap) has been used to examine changes in the students’ cultural awareness. Online surveys are used since 2008 to evaluate the didactical concept of the IPC Project. Items consider for example the topics, learning activities, time and project management, coaching and support, the course structure or group collaboration. We also use spontaneous and anonymous student feedback as statements.
Several research projects have been conduct in different countries using IPC data or to support the further development of the IPC Project.
Quite a number of international publications related to the IPC Project have been published since the project start.
Information and evaluation results related to the IPC Project has been presented in many countries and on numerous international conferences allover the world since the project started in 2008.
Duration: 2019-2020
Research group:
Prof. Dr. Valerie Margrain, University Karlstad (Sweden), Dr. K. Fredholm, University Karlstad (Sweden), Prof. Dr. Klaudia Schutheis, Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany)
Duration: 2016-2019
Research group:
Prof. Dr. Chizuko Suzuki, Prof. Dr. Kenichi Ishida, Prof. Dr. Shota Yoshihara, Prof. Dr. Julian VanderVeen, Ms Maemura (Assistant for Data Processing)
Duration: 2012-2015
Research group:
Prof. Dr. Chizuko Suzuki (Linguistics)
Prof. Dr. Kenichi Ishida (Comparative Education)
Prof. Dr. Shota Yoshihara (Computer Technology)
Prof. Dr. Klaudia Schultheis (Scientific Advisor)
Duration: 2016-2017
Research group:
Prof. Dr. Chizuko Suzuki (Linguistics)
Prof. Dr. Kenichi Ishida (Comparative Education)
Prof. Dr. Shota Yoshihara (Computer Technology)
Prof. Dr. Klaudia Schultheis (Scientific Advisor)
Demeshkant, N., Schultheis, K. & Hiebl, P. (2022): School Sustainability and School Leadership during Crisis Remote Education: Polish and German Experience, Computers in the School. DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2022.2071221
Mirtschewa, I. (2021): Internatioanal Teacher Training Courses – A New Step to Globalization. In: Sanchez, I.A., Issa, T. & Isaias, P.: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Learning and Educational Technologies 2021. Virtual 3-5 March 2021, IADIS Press, 43-49. ISBN 978-989-8704-28-3
Schultheis, K. & Hiebl, P. (2021): Providing International Experience for Teacher Training Students from Four Continents: Global Learning in the International Project (IPC). In: ZLB.KU. Zeitschrift des Zentrums für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung. Fünfte Ausgabe. ISSN 2566-9052, S. 20-26 pdf
Margrain, V., Fredholm, K. & Schultheis, K. (2020): Online intercultural dialogue amongst student teachers from seven countries: a study of the IPC global discussions. In: Education and Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2020, pp. 57-72 pdf
Schultheis, K. & Hiebl, P. (2017): Internationalisierung@home im Lehramtsstudium: Das “International Project (IPC)”. In: ZLB.KU. Zeitschrift des Zentrums für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung. Erste Ausgabe. ISSN 2566-9052, S. 44-49 pdf
Suzuki, Ch., Ishida, K., Yoshihara, Sh., Schultheis, K. & Riedhammer, B. (2015): A Report of IPC 2013: Analyses of student participants’ response data to the project end-survey and the cultural awareness profielsurvey in comparison with the preceding year. In: Mirtschewa, I. (Ed.): Children’s Perspective on School,Teaching and Learning. Farrago: Sofia, p. 75-85.
Pierson, M.R., Schultheis, K. & Myck-Wayne, J. (2015): A comparison of children’s perspectives: Analyzing cultural and gender issues for preservice teachers around the world. In: Journal of Gender and Power. Vol.3, No.1, 2015, S. 135-148
Suzuki, Ch., Ishida, K., Yoshihara, Sh., Schultheis, K. & Riedhammer, B. (2014): A quantitative andqualitative evaluation of student participants’ contribution to carrying out an online international collaborativeproject on education. In: Jager, S., Bradley, L., Meima, E.J. & Thouë sny, S. (Hg.): “CALL Design: Principles and Practice – Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands”., S. 345-351
Мирчева, Ил. (2013): Международни студентски изследователски проекти – глобализация наподготовката на учители чрез електронно обучение. В: Изследване и представяне на добри практикипри интегринане на информационни и комуникационни технологии в образованието. София:Авангард Прима, 45-51
Kratky, M. & Schultheis, K. (2011): Internet- und Projektkompetenz. In: BergerL., Grzega, J. & Spannagel,Ch. (Hg.): Lernen durch Lehren im Focus. Epubli: Verlagsgruppe Holtzbrinck, S. 117-125
Ausband, L. & Schultheis, K. (2010): Utilizing Web 2.0 to Provide an International Experience for Pre-Service Elementary Education Teachers – The IPC Project. In: Computers in the Schools, Volume 27 Issue3, 266-287
Мирчева, Ил. (2007): Работа по педагогически проекти чрез Интернет. В: Приемственост иперспективи в развитието на педагогическата теория и практика. София: ИК „Веда Словена”, 480-481
K. Schultheis: Presentation at Yamaguchi University, Japan, 17 October 2023: “The International Project (IPC): Concept and Examples”
K. Schultheis: Presentation at the “31st Conference of the DGfE-Kommission Grundschulforschung und Pädagogik der Primarstufe, 27-29 September 2023, Siegen, Germany: “IPC Projekt. Internationalisierung@home im Lehramtsstudium Grundschule an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt”
K. Schultheis: Presentation at the 8th IPC Conference 19-22 June 2023, Karlstad, Sweden: “The “International Project (IPC)”. Distance Learning and Internationalization in Teacher Training”
S. Saruwatashi: Presentation at the “48th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition. 11-14 November 2022, Fukuoka, Japan: “Telecollaboration Across Continents Through Project-Based Learning”
K. Schultheis & Petra Hiebl: Presentation at the TEPE Conference 2021 “Challenges of distance learning in teacher education and education”, 20-22 May 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia: “The “International Project (IPC)”: Distance Learning and Internationalisation in Teacher Training”
K. Schultheis & Petra Hiebl: Presentation at the International Conference online – “Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration”, 03-04 December 2020: Das “International Project (IPC).Internationalisierung@home für globale Kompetenzen im Lehramtsstudium”, FAU (Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) (conference program)
V. Margrain, K. Fredholm & K. Schultheis: Presentation at the Colloquium to Interculturality in Teacher Education and Training: Methodologies, Criticality, and Sustainability Conference, Karlstad University, Sweden, 17-19 June 2019: “Global Discussion Online: IPC Student Teachers in Seven Countries” (conference program)
S. Westa: “Professionalisation through Internationalisation in Teacher Education: International Project (IPC) an Example of Good Practices”. Presentation at TEPE (Teacher Education Policy Europe) Conference, Quality Teachers and QualityTeacher Education: Research, Policy and Practice, May 2019 in Cracow.
K. Schultheis: Presentation at Yamaguchi University Japan, 9th June, 2017: “Internationalization@home. How to foster the international experience of teacher students”
K. Schultheis: “International Project (IPC)” – Concept and Examples of an Innovative Online Course for Teacher StudentsFostering the Internationalization of Teacher Training”. Presentation at the Queensland University ofTechnology in Brisbane, School of Education, Feb 2, 2016.
K. Schultheis: Presentation at the Australian Catholic University, Campus Melbourne (videoconference to all campuses), 28th Nov, 2016: “International Project (IPC): An International Online Project for Pre-Service Teachers”
K. Schultheis: Presentation at the DAAD conference “Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung” on 2nd Nov, 2016 in Berlin: “Online globale Kompetenzen im Lehramtsstudium erwerben: das “International Project (IPC)”
K. Schultheis: Workshop on the 4th International Conference on Child Research in Education in Poznan (Poland), 5-7 Oct 2016: ” IPC Basic – Introduction and Platform”
M.R. Pierson, J. Myck-Wayne & K. Schultheis: “The Involvement of Special Education Teacher Candidates in Global Education: Promoting the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities”
Poster Presentation at the 17th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities., January 21, 2016 in Honolulu
K. Schultheis & M.R. Pierson: “International Project (IPC) – An Innovative Online Teacher Training Project Fostering TheInternationalization of Teacher Training”. Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), January 2016
K. Schultheis & Ch. Suzuki: “Educational Effects of an International Project on Teacher Students’ Cultural Awareness Development”. Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), January 2016
M.R. Pierson, J. Myck-Wayne & K. Schultheis: “A comparison of children’s perspectives. An international project”. Poster Presentation at the Braga Conference 2014. Embracing lnclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs. July 14-17,2014, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
K. Schultheis & M.R. Pierson: “A Comparison of International Children’s Perspectives on Learning and Literacy: A Project for Preservice Teachers”. Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), January 5-8, 2015, Honolulu (Hawaii)
Ch. Suzuki, K. Ishida, S. Yoshihara, K. Schultheis & B. Riedhammer: “An international project developed on an SNS mixxt system making use of Web 2.0 technology to increasethe students’ core competence as future teachers”. Presentation at the WorldCALL Conference, July13, 2013, Glasgow
K. Schultheis: “International Project (IPC). A Project to Internationalize Teacher Training”. Presentation at Bath Spa University, England, 2012
K. Schultheis: “International Project (IPC). Internationalizing Teacher Training for Pre-Service Primary Teacher Students”
Präsentation an der Junshin Catholic University Nagasaki, Oct 30, 2012
K. Schultheis: IPC – International Project. Ein Projekt zur Internationalisierung der Lehrerausbildung.
Präsentation auf der Konferenz der Bayerischen Grundschulpädagogen, February 2011
K. Schultheis: “IPC – An International Teaching Project for Pre-Service Elementary Education Teachers”
Präsentation an der University of North Carolina Charlotte, Feb 2010
K. Schultheis & L. T. Ausband: “Providing an International Experience for Pre-Service Elementary Education Teachers”. Presentation at Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg. Internationalen Forschungskolloquium im Rahmen der Kooperation mit der University of North Carolina in Charlotte am 10. Juni 2009